How to combine Sneakers and Blazer a la María Pombo.
When it comes to comfort we always think about our favorite sneakers, what's more, on those days when formality is unnecessary we just want to get home, take off our shoes and be as confy as possible. In fact, it is true that more than one of us has thought about wearing sneakers to a wedding, an event, and well, to the office. So let us tell you that it is possible and, in fact, breaking the established standards on fashion and formalities is what is sweeping this great industry, like water and oil, opposites attract: Sportswear with classic blazers.
Without a doubt this type of outfit becomes a trend especially in spring and autumn, where the weather still seems to want to give some good vibes and let us be comfortable without major concern, for What the basics you have in your closet will be enough to obtain a sophisticated and modern look, as they say, you are the CEO, but a coolCEO who goes out to a terrace after work to enjoy the simple and fresh that is life.
At Hanukeii, as you know, we admire the style of María Pombo, because she is a sophisticated and avant-garde girl, where in addition to showing us her life and lifestyle every day, she is a businesswoman worthy of admiration, for this reason, we have decided to analyze a little her style when it comes to wearing sports shoes, without looking like we were going shopping on a Sunday morning. Are you interested? Keep reading!
1. Basic first: Jeans and a basic top
For Maria Pombo, the style and intention of the outfit stands out if at some point you combine something tight with something a little looser. For example, a basic top that fits your body accompanied by jeans with openings in the boot, which are very fashionable now, especially if your intention is to make your legs look longer. These two become a must to combine, giving harmony to your body.
2. The American one with shoulder pads, we are going to the 80s!
Here you should pay close attention because generally, sports shoes come in many colors, which is very cool. But in that case you must be careful with the Blazer you are going to combine it with. Make sure that, if your sneakers are a uniform color and with little detail, the jacket can have the designs, prints that you want, but if, on the contrary, it has bright colors, as in the case of María Pombo, you can see how she does it. relax a little with a blazer and a jean that complement each other in a range of terracotta colors, this girl does it perfectly!
3. The accessories, last but not least!
As we have always told you in our articles, accessories are in the end what end up defining the intention and personality of your look. And on this occasion, if you want to completely imitate María Pombo's look, we recommend that you complement it with our sunglasses Hanukeii Hyde Camo or Pacific Black, that will bring harmony to your face highlighting your features thanks to its geometric figures. Furthermore, if you go with an outfit with warm tones, the Pacific Black will give you that touch of elegance that you were looking for. Or, if, on the contrary, you have opted for a black blazer and denim jeans, our Hyde Camo will give you that touch of freshness, and good vibes.
We hope that you liked our article today, and that you take into account these tips that we have discovered based on the outfits of María Pombo, a Hanukeii Girl! !.
1. What is the name of María Pombo's son?
The son of María Pombo and Pablo Castellano is called Martín.
2. What are María Pombo's companies?
The first of them is Tipi Tent, which is a clothing brand for young people. It also has Name The Brand, another clothing brand, and has organized music festivals such as Suavefest.